[Main Street, Bryan, looking south]
- title:
- [Main Street, Bryan, looking south]
- abstract:
- Photograph taken looking south on Main Street. The first building in the foreground of the image is the bank and midway down the block in the J.C. Penney Co. The LaSalle Hotel is at the far end of the street, next to the hotel is the Howell Bros. building.
- created:
- 1923?
- Attribution:
- No copyright - Non-commercial use only; http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-NC/1.0/
- rights:
- No copyright - Non-commercial use only; http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-NC/1.0/
- subject:
- Texas--Bryan and Central business districts
- spatial:
- Bryan, Texas
- type:
- Photographs and StillImage
- format:
- reformatted digital
- extent:
- 1 photograph; 9 x 15 cm
- Description:
- Held in the Bryan Scenes picture file at Cushing Memorial Library on the campus of Texas A and M University, College Station, Texas.
- isPartOf:
- Bryan Scenes
- Exhibit Tags:
- Downtown BryanCommercial businesses