[Bryan street scene]
- title:
- [Bryan street scene]
- abstract:
- Photograph taken looking north on Main Street from what is now the corner of Main and Twenty-sixth. The photograph was property of Tyler Haswell, former mayor of Bryan. Business included in the photograph are Hanna and Orr, T. Balfour, Johnston, Parker and Co., and Haswell.
- created:
- 1867?
- Attribution:
- No copyright - Non-commercial use only; http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-NC/1.0/
- rights:
- No copyright - Non-commercial use only; http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-NC/1.0/
- subject:
- Central business districts and Texas--Bryan
- spatial:
- Bryan, Texas
- type:
- Photographs and StillImage
- format:
- reformatted digital
- extent:
- 1 photograph; 19 x 24 cm
- Description:
- Held in the Bryan Scenes picture file at Cushing Memorial Library on the campus of Texas A and M University, College Station, Texas.
- isPartOf:
- Bryan Scenes
- Exhibit Tags:
- Downtown BryanCommercial businesses