
We would like to acknowledge the people and collections associated with this site. The maps, atlases, aerial photographs, and drawing are all from the Stephen Powys Marks London Collection held at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives. Dr. Larry Mitchell and Katherine Hart worked closely with Stephen Powys Marks and the University to acquire the collection. Susan Sutherland created the bibliography on the books of London's cartographic history and conducted research on the individual items and their creators. The cataloging was carried out by Naomi Behmer. The scanning was done by Stephanie Elmquist. Charity Stokes and Jeannette Ho managed the metadata creation and ingest for the material. Afreen Virani produced the georeferenced versions of the maps. The Texas A&M University Libraries' Digital Initiatives Department managed the ingest of the digital objects into the Library's repository. The University Libraries' Digital Management Project Team designed the workflow for transforming physical collections to digital. Sierra Laddusaw created the Spotlight exhibit.