Wizard of Oz

Map of the countries near to the land of Oz

This map appears on the back end-papers of the 1914 book "Tik-tok of Oz." The map highlights Oz in relation to Baum's other fantasy lads, Ev, Ix, Merryland, the Vegetable Kingdom, and others. The map famously flips the East and West, labeling East to the left of the map and West to the right and is clearly labeled as such on the compass rose.

Map Clues

Lions and Tigers and bears oh my! I’m lost! Can you help Dorothy read the Map of the Land of Oz in order to find her way to the Emerald City? Please return your answers to jstadler@bryantx.gov. Participants will be in a pool for a prize drawing!

  1. What color on the map is the country where Munchkins are located? 
  2. What Kingdom is south of IX? 
  3. If I am in the Country of the Gargoyles, what country do I cross to get to the kingdom of Dreams? 
  4. Is there an ocean in the Land of OZ? If so what letter do the islands start with? 
  5. Where is Castle located? 
  6. What forest is the Happy Valley near?
  7. Through what desert was the Nome King’s Tunnel located?
  8. Eat your veggies! Oh wait? It’s a kingdom?!!! What corner of the map is this kingdom? 
  9. Where is the Hothouse located? 
  10. I’m off to see the Wizard. I’m in Quadling Country. What direction do I need to take to get to Emerald City?